Dioptric glasses
Glasses designed for everyday wear and vision improvement.

We offer an innovative computer system for convenient selection of spectacle frames and simulation of lens thickness at different diopters. Ideal for those who want to choose frames without seeing their face without glasses. Thanks to the video camera, you can explore the frame collection in minutes and easily select your favorite model. The system also accurately measures progressive lenses, ensuring that your glasses will be absolutely reliable.
We offer a wide selection of eyeglass frames in all price ranges, including precious metals such as titanium, titaniumflex, surgical steel and other innovative materials.
Thanks to our special PLUS OPTIX examination equipment, we are able to provide comprehensive examinations for children. Our wide range of pediatric frames includes a variety of sizes, shapes and colors.
Choose eyewear from world-renowned brands such as Lindberg, Blackfin, Neubau, Eschenbach, TitanFlex, Jaguar, and more. We also offer top sports brands, including Oakley, Rudy Project, and EvilEye. And of course, we can't forget about the world-renowned domestic brand Okula.
You can explore our products at our branch, where we'll be happy to help you make your selection.

V naší prodejně Vám můžeme nabídnout opravdu široký výběr slunečních a sportovních brýlí značek EvilEye, OAKLEY a Rudy Project. Brýle těchto značek používají sportovci po celém světě, zvláště pro jejich nezaměnitelné optické a materiálové vlastnosti. Za zmínku jistě stojí i fakt, že každá z těchto značek má vybrané portfolio modelů, které jsou určeny pro dioptrickou korekci.
Kromě těchto značek, které máme celoročně, připravujeme vždy na léto novou kolekci módních slunečních brýlí vybraných značek. Jsou to např. Tom Ford, Fendi, RayBan, Polaroid, Moschino Porsche Design a mnoho dalších.
You can explore our products at our branch, where we'll be happy to help you make your selection.